- Steven Kolins, comp. 50,000 Newspaper Clippings from newspapers.com (2023). Excel files with OCRed text, and PDF files with thumbnail image clippings linked to newspapers.com, of tens of thousands of articles from 1748-2023. Archives.
- Bryn Deamer, Steven Kolins. Computers in the Bahá'í Community through Ridván 1992 (1992). Historical overview of the use of computers in the Bahá'í Faith. Essays.
- Steven Kolins, comp. First Newspaper Stories of the Events of the Bábí Faith (2013). Six versions of some the first public mentions in English of the Bábís, from November 1845. [Mentions from April 1845 have since been found.] Newspapers.
- Steven Kolins, ed. History of the Baha'i Faith in North Carolina, 1845-1970: Presentations from the First Summer Seminar (2018-08). Presentations at the first Summer Seminar on the history of the Bahá'í Faith in North Carolina, organized by Steven Kolins, sponsored by the Spiritual Assembly of the Baháʼís of Orange County NC, Aug 3-5 2018, at the Efland Bahá'í Center. Archives.
- Steven Kolins, comp. Near Death Experiences and the Bahá'í Faith (2012/2015). Literature search and research notes on the Bahá'í Faith and death, near death experiences (NDEs), and the afterlife. Resources.
- Steven Kolins, comp. Newspaper Collections and the Baha'i Faith (2020). Links to collections of thousands of newspaper clippings and articles related to the Bahá'í Faith, and a brief guide to finding other Bahá'í genealogical and historical sources. Newspapers.
- Steven Kolins, comp. Oregon Newspaper Archive (1923-1927). 50 news clippings from an "independent paper devoted to the interests of the people" that were found searching newspaper archives for Bahá'í keywords. Newspapers.
- Steven Kolins, ed. Select Clevenger Archives, 1926-1936 (2021). Personal letters to Ella Robarts, the National Spiritual Assembly, Horace Holley, and others; article "The Riddle of the Slain Co-ed" from Insider Detective. Biographies.
- Austin Wright. Steven Kolins, comp. Short Chapter in the History of Bâbeeism in Persia, A (1853-05-18). Letter to the American Oriental Society recounting the continuation of Bábísm and attack on the Shah. Follow-up to Wright's first report on Bábí history, from June 1851. Newspapers.