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Date 1915-01-00-01, sorted by date, descending

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1915 Jan
Lua Getsinger arrived in Haifa and remained there as a guest of the Holy Family for seven months. This was her last visit. When news came of the possibility of America declaring war, and a United States gunboat came to the very port of Haifa, 'Abdu'l-Bahá told her that now was the time to leave and take news to the friends in Egypt, Europe and America who had been cut off from correspondence with the Holy Land during the war. "It is a long time that they are without any word," He said, "and I desire to send you to them, after which you are to go and teach." [Star of the West, vol. VI, No. 12, p. 90] Egypt; Haifa, Israel; Lua Getsinger
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