- Authority of the Hands of the Cause to direct the Faith and expel Covenant-breakers, by Universal House of Justice (1997-06-04). — Authority of the Hands of the Cause assume control of the Faith and eject Covenant-breakers followin...
- Center of the Covenant: Tablet to Mason Remey, interview with Badi'u'llah, by Abdu'l-Bahá, Mirza Badi'u'llah Ahmad Sohrab, trans. (1912-07-13). — Brief interview conducted by Howard MacNutt. Includes a tablet from Abdu'l-Baha to Mason Remey.
- Covenant, The, and Covenant-breaker, by Moojan Momen (1995).
- Excerpts from Bahá'í Magazine Star of the West related to The Netherlands (1910-1935), Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (2002).
- Historical Analysis of Critical Transformations in the Evolution of the Bahá'í World Faith, An, by Vernon Elvin Johnson (1974). — Detailed study of major changes in the Faith's history, opposition to such changes, and their result...
- Journal Diary of European Baha'i Travels: April - November 1948, by Charles Mason Remey (1948). — A record of Remey's visits across Europe, from England to Germany. Includes coverage of Baha'i parti...
- Le destin de Mason Remey & de ceux qui l'ont suivi, by Universal House of Justice Pierre Spierckel, trans. (2007). — Un texte du Centre mondial expliquant le caractère fondamental de l’Alliance et les conséquences...
- Mason Remey and Joel Bray Marangella, by Chad Jones (2001-10-26). — Short research note about Remey's claim to the Guardianship, which may have been inspired by Joel Ma...
- Mason Remey and Those Who Followed Him, by Universal House of Justice (1997). — Letter from the US NSA on the importance of commitment to the covenant, a letter from the UHJ on cov...
- Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. (1996).
- Remey, Charles Mason, by Robert Stockman (1995).
- Statement on Mason Remey from the Western Hands of the Faith, by Corinne True, Hermann Grossmann, William Sears (1960-05-31). — Background information on the claims of Remey, compiled by the Hands of the Cause of God in the West...
- Various Books: 9 Books for Download, by Charles Mason Remey (1913-1920). — Titles include: The Covenant; Observations of a Bahai Traveller; Through Warring Countries; Mashrak-...
- Well Dressed Woman of Recent Times, A, by Matt Briggs (2000). — Historical fiction which contains part of The Wardrobe of Gertrude Heim Remey, a book Mason Remey wr...