Bahai Library Online

Personal pages by Baha'i Library contributors

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  1. Communicative Interaction: Relating Habermasian Universalism to Baha'i Consultation, by Jonah Winters (1996). The philosophy of Jurgen Habermas has been influential in formulating definitions of morality. These theories are similar to the unique use by Bahá'ís of "consultation" as a tool for creating civil societies and nonrepressive moral codes.
  2. Comparison of Islamic Religious Modes with the Four Valleys of Bahá'u'lláh, by Dianne Bradford (1998-01). Comparison of stages in The Four Valleys with three approaches from Islam: Theologians, Muslim Philosophers, and Mystics.
  3. Contributors and assistants, by Various (2000). List of people who have donated significant amounts of time to building the Bahá'í Library (now outdated).
  4. Course on Teaching Christians about the Bahá'í Faith, by Dianne Bradford (1999). Compilation of quotes from the Bahá'í Writings to aid in the teaching of the Faith to Christians, including answers to some questions posed by Christians.
  5. Dying for God: Martyrdom in the Shii and Babi Religions, by Jonah Winters (1997). Religious and cultural meanings of martyrdom/witnessing, and their role in Shí'í and Bábí history.
  6. Hidden Words: Training Course on, by Dianne Bradford (1998). Syllabus, materials, and quotes, covering themes of the Hidden Words.
  7. John Cornell: in memoriam, by Various (1998/2001). Brief bio note written by Dr. Cornell in 1998 for posting at the Bahá'í Library Online, and a memoriam biography published by the BCCA in 2001.
  8. Martyrdom in Jihad, by Jonah Winters (1997). Unlike Judeo-Christianity, Islam does not contain a core of martyrdom. Rather, it occurs in three disparate areas: war/jihad, asceticism, and Shi'ism. I examine the relationship between jihad and martyrdom and their classical and contemporary meanings.
  9. Origins of Shi'ism: A Consensus of Western Scholarship, by Jonah Winters (1996). Shi'ism, representing about 10% of the umma, is often regarded as illegitimate by the majority Sunnis. Using Western historiographical methods, I examine three key events occuring during the life of Muhammad that are used to legitimize Shi'i origins.
  10. Personal Page: Sonja van Kerkhoff: arts reviews, essays, by Sonja van Kerkhoff (2010). Links to some personal projects.
  11. Personal Page: Sen McGlinn, by Sen McGlinn (2010).
  12. Personal Page: Ralph D. Wagner, by Ralph D. Wagner (1999).
  13. Personal Page: Paula Bidwell, by Paula Bidwell (2015). Links for and information about an American Indian artist, author, and speaker from Idaho, who has been assisting with for over a decade.
  14. Personal Page: Ehsan Bayat, by Ehsan Bayat (2001). Ehsan Bayat's personal compilations.
  15. Personal page: Jonah Winters, by Jonah Winters (1997). My own links, theses, and papers.
  16. Personal Page: Dianne Bradford: Deepening and teaching materials, by Dianne Bradford (1999). Links to some personal projects.
  17. Personal Page: Brett Zamir, by Brett Zamir (2003/2005). Links to some personal projects.
  18. Personal Page: Gary Fuhrman, by Gary Fuhrman (2001).
  19. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: An Autobiographical Study and A Study In Autobiography: Part 3.2, by Ron Price (2014-02). This autobiography/memoir of a Bahai over seven decades of teaching and international travel is one of the few extensive personal accounts of the experience of a Western Bahai beginning in the second epoch (1944-1963) of the Formative Age.
  20. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Part 1.1: An Autobiographical Study and a Study in Autobiography, by Ron Price (2011). Abstract: This autobiographical, memoiristic, work is that of a Bahai over 7 decades of teaching & international travel. It is one of the few extensive accounts of the experience of a Western Bahai beginning in the 2nd epoch(1944-63)of the Formative Age
  21. References to Christ in His Tablet to Pope Pius IX, by Dianne Bradford (1998).
  22. Rewriting the Script: Some thoughts on gender roles and the Bahá'í Teachings, by Sonja van Kerkhoff (2000). A collection of visual and physical art exploring these themes.
  23. Saying Nothing about No-Thing: Apophatic Theology in the Classical World, by Jonah Winters (1994). The apophatic (negative) theology of the Neoplatonism of Plotinus and some pre-Pseudo-Dionysius eastern Christian thinkers.
  24. Shi'i Qur'an: An Examination of Western Scholarship, by Jonah Winters (1997). In the Kitab-i-Iqan (pp. 84-89) Bahá'u'lláh rejects the charge that the text of the Bible has been tampered with. Many Shi'is have charged the same, accusing Sunnis of removing the proofs of Ali's appointment as leader of the community from the Qur'an.
  25. Themes of 'The Erotic' in Sufi Mysticism, by Jonah Winters (2017 (forthcoming)). Mystical writing is replete with symbolism of love and eros, and it can also be found in the mystical poetry of Bahá'u'lláh. This paper provides background for that topic by surveying the use of themes of the erotic in writings by seven Sufi mystics.
  26. Thinking in Buddhism: Nagarjuna's Middle Way, by Jonah Winters (1994). Thesis and unpublished book on the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, the central text of a school of thought that later evolved and migrated to become Zen Buddhism.
  27. غریب از تیریز تا نیویورک (Foreigner: From Nayriz to New York), by Hussein Ahdieh, Hillary Chapman (2020). A memoir detailing the author's life journey from a rural village in Iran to the director of a University in New York, offering intimate firsthand glimpses of the history of the Faith in Iran and the immigrant experience in America.
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